A new chapter in the lab starts Aug 1.
After significant thought and deliberation I'm very excited to announce that the lab is moving to the University of Virginia. I'll be joining an exceptionally strong group of faculty in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UVA with an appointment in both the School of Engineering and the School of Medicine. While the department is significantly smaller than GA Tech's BME, the faculty from top to bottom are exemplary scientists and scholars that are outperforming departments twice their size in most measures of productivity, a fact seen clearly by their National Research Council ranking @ #11. Almost half of the BME faculty are Fellows of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). I hope to add to their traditions of a science-first mentality and quality over quantity regarding educational and research products likes students and manuscripts.
Science honored UVA faculty for discovering two of the Top 10 worldwide scientific breakthroughs of 2015 in Medicine and Psychology!!
At UVA we'll continue our focus on cell-ECM interactions and their regulation of cell phenotype, specifically the activation of myofibroblasts and the emergence of subpopulations of fibroblasts that contribute the tissue homeostasis and disease. UVA has invested significant funds into helping me nucleate a new research initiative on multi-organ fibrosis that I hope will span Engineering, Sciences, and Medicine. Be on the look out for our activities in this space.